Welcome to GLOBAL YNS! Our mission is to to provide the best language solutions, driven by the desire to build connections through languages and to include more people, families, and communities in more ways.
We are committed to ensuring that people can lead, speak, and participate fully in their communities, regardless of their language. Therefore, we advocate for language access and educate our clients on language justice.
Language access means that people who don’t speak English well or at all can use and benefit from a wide range of programs and services. Language access looks at how power operates through language to create multilingual spaces. It creates spaces where people can communicate in the language they are more confident in.
GLOBAL YNS recognizes that the current system advantages speakers of English. As a result, many of us have never experienced spaces with linguistic equity. We understand that shifting from language dominance to language justice can be challenging. For this reason, we go beyond offering professional interpretation services and professional language translation services in Washington DC. Instead, we advocate for good practices and provide our clients with tools to implement language access. We offer one-on-one guidance to our clients once a request is placed and help them embed language access in their work and events.
The resources included here are designed to support efforts to strengthen language access. We encourage our clients to use and edit these resources as they fit. We want your events and meetings to be as impactful and meaningful as possible to all your participants, no matter their language. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Language Access is a powerful tool for advancing social justice. We are here to take care of all your language needs and uphold language equity.
Open your event with an inclusive message to make everyone feels welcomed, respected, and represented. A welcoming message sets the event’s tone. Seize the opportunity by inviting participants to embrace multilingualism.
Our checklist helps you plan a successful multilingual event and stay organized during the weeks before your big day. Use our handy language justice checklist to ensure your event is on track and keep all logistics components in order.
Open your schools event and family nights with an inclusive message to make families and students. A welcoming message sets the event’s tone. Let’s be proud of how many languages are represented in any room.
Successful events require a collaborative effort in which American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters play a significant role. Language access is essential to any event, but especially those with Deaf or hard of hearing participants. ASL interpreters allow everyone—Deaf and hearing participants, presenters, and staff— to communicate and engage with one another fully.
Open your schools event and family nights with an inclusive message to make families and students. A welcoming message sets the event’s tone. Let’s be proud of how many languages are represented in any room.
Use this powerpoint slides for your next remote event. Do not assume that participants will arrive at your event knowing how to access the language channels. No matter how easy and apparent accessing language services is for you, your event must start with explaining the process step by step and introducing the interpreters.
Use this log form for keeping track of the use of individual receivers at events. Receivers should be numbered and then recorded on the log form as they are borrowed. Getting a contact number for the borrower helps you to track down missing equipment.
Assessing the interpreters’ performance is crucial to improve our language services, ensure high quality, and meet our mission. Therefore, please ensure that those who received the language services also fill out the evaluation form: presenters, facilitators, attendees, and non-English speaking participants. Their opinion about their experience receiving interpretation services is helpful information we will use to improve, adjust, and refine our language services to fit their needs more accurately.
La evaluación del rendimiento de los intérpretes es crucial para mejorar nuestros servicios lingüísticos, garantizar la alta calidad y cumplir nuestra misión. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de que las personas que recibieron los servicios lingüísticos rellenen el formulario de evaluación: presentadores, facilitadores, asistentes y participantes que no hablan inglés. Su opinión sobre su experiencia al recibir los servicios de interpretación es una información útil que utilizaremos para mejorar, ajustar y perfeccionar nuestros servicios lingüísticos para que se ajusten mejor a sus necesidades
Make sure there is an area dedicated/reserved for the interpreters. We recommend setting aside a large table with chairs. The table will be used for portable equipment, headsets, transmitters, receivers, and batteries too. The location of the interpreters is critical! Interpreters must see all participants, screens, PowerPoint presentation, and presenters) at all times. Interpreter’s table needs to be located in area free from noises and interruptions. Print our sign and place it on the interpreter’s table.
Use this this duties sheet to operate YNS portable equipment and track equipment before and after the event.
Best practices for working with American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. Our goal is to facilitate communication and create an accessible environment that upholds language justice and language access for D/deaf and Hard of hearing (DHH) persons.
Announce that American Sign Language is available from the onset, on your website, through fliers and promotional materials. By advertising ASL, you send a clear message about your intention of creating a space where language access will be upheld. Download and use our beautiful logos every time your event is ASL interpreted.
Around 70 million deaf individuals use a specific form of sign language as their first or primary language. Many people mistakenly believe that there is only one universal sign language used by the deaf community, but in fact, there are 142 recognized sign languages in the world. Here’s a list of sign languages that we offer.
We have developed this glossary thanks to the amazing work with our local cooperatives and nonprofits, such as Douglass Community Land Trust and Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC). Please help us expand and improve our glossary, send your terms, comments, and suggestions to [email protected]
Here at GLOBAL YNS, we offer superior language services. Our goal is to build connections through languages; to include people, families, and communities in more ways.
Additionally, invite all our clients to incorporate these 10 practices for virtual events into their planning checklist. In doing so, you are welcoming the unique GLOBAL YNS approach to further assist in the incorporation of multilingual connections. We advocate for good practices because we know they are directly involved with your event’s success. We want your event to be as impactful and meaningful as it can be to your participants, no matter their language.

Offering Superior Language Solutions,
Where quality is our Priority