I like to think of us as people who believe the world can get better and are committed to doing our part to improve it. I attempt to do so by breaking language barriers, closing the language gap, and building communication bridges along with a network of like-minded linguists, purpose-driven organizations, and individuals.
I see families, communities, and societies whose main desire is to become visible, to be heard, be part of the conversation, come together, and be counted. There is no better time to connect with each other, make space for people’s languages and amplify new voices.
Inspired by that, I founded Global YNS to provide the best language solutions, driven by the desire to build connections through languages and to include more people, families, and communities in more ways.
We offer ASL interpreting, certified document translation, website language localization, and professional interpretation services. We are committed to ensuring that people can lead, speak, and participate fully in movement-building and in their communities, regardless of the languages they speak. Language access is a social justice issue.